Friday, March 11, 2011

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

[I am not good at introductions, never have to be honest, but I'll give it a try...]

Hello and welcome to my new blog. As you probably guessed, this one will be, I fear, very similar to the other blogs out there, but then again that is no suprprise, due to the fact that I'm certainly not a girl with an automatically extraordinary life (by this I mean, I am no celebrity, nor a party freak or- well, you get the point I hope). I dream of a perfect future, colors, love and peace. Sometimes I force myself back to earth, but other times I set my wild, imaginative soul free- I have come to notice that this happens particularly often during math class, much to the displeasure of my teacher.
I am passiontely in love with drawing/painting, photography, music, writing/reading, and fashion. This is it for now, but you'll no doubt get to know me better throughout the posts to come on this blog.

PS: Sorry about the grammatical errors that occasionally pop up in my posts, they can be very tricky to avoid at times =).